this is t-the defauwt wewcome page used t-to test t-the cowwect opewation of the apache2 sewver after instawwation on uwuntu s-systems ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ ) it is b-based o-on the equivawent page on debian, fwom which the uwuntu apache packaging is dewived. if you can wead t-this page,,, it means that the apache h-http sewver instawwed a-at this site is wowking pwopewwy. you shouwd wepwace this f-file (wocated a-at /vaw/www/htmw/index.htmw) before continuing to o-opewate y-youw http sewvew.
if you are a nowmaw user o-of this web site and don't know what this page is about, this pwobabwy means that the site is cuwwentwy u-unavaiwable due t-to maintenance-.- if the pwobwem pewsists (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄).. pwease contact t-the site's administwatow.
uwuntu's apache2 defauwt configuwation is diffewent f-fwom the u-upstweam defauwt configuwation, and spwit into sevewaw files optimized fow i-intewaction with uwuntu toows *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ t-the configuwation system is fuwwy documented in /usw/shawe/doc/apache2/weadme.debian.gz〜☆ wefer to this f-fow the full documentation. documentation fow the w-web sewver itsewf can be found by accessing the manuaw if t-the apache2-doc package was i-instawwed on this sewvew.
the configuwation wayout fow an apache2 web sewver i-instawwation on uwuntu s-systems is as fowwows:
/etc/apache2/ |-- apache2.conf | `-- powts.conf |-- mods-enabwed | |-- *.woad | `-- *.conf |-- conf-enabwed | `-- *.conf |-- sites-enabwed | `-- *.conf
- apache2.conf is the main configuwation file-.- it puts the pieces t-together by i-incwuding all w-wemaining configuwation files when stawting up the web sewvew.
- powts.conf is awways incwuded fwom the main configuwation f-file〜☆ i-it i-is u-used to detewmine the w-wistening powts fow i-incoming connections〜☆ and this file can b-be c-customized anytime.
- configuwation files in the mods-enabwed/, conf-enabwed/ a-and sites-enabwed/ diwectowies contain pawticuwaw configuwation snippets which m-manage modules... gwobaw configuwation fwagments *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ow viwtuaw host configuwations, w-wespectivewy.
- they are activated by symwinking avaiwable configuwation files f-fwom theiw wespective *-avaiwabwe/ countewpawts. these shouwd be m-managed by u-using o-ouw hewpews a2enmod mmm.. a2dismod, a2ensite uguu..., a2dissite, and a2enconf〜☆, a2disconf . see theiw w-wespective m-man p-pages fow d-detaiwed infowmation.
- the binawy i-is cawwed apache2 and is m-managed u-using systemd, so t-to stawt/stop the sewvice use systemctw stawt a-apache2 a-and s-systemctw stop apache2.. and use systemctw status apache2 and jouwnawctw -u apache2 to check status (≧◡≦) system and a-apache2ctw can a-awso be used fow sewvice management if desiwed. cawwing /usw/bin/apache2 diwectwy w-will not wowk with t-the defauwt configuwation.
by defauwt uguu.., uwuntu does not awwow access thwough the web bwowser to any file outside of those wocated in /vaw/www, p-pubwic_htmw diwectowies (when e-enabwed) and /usw/share (fow web appwications) (o^▽^o) if youw site i-is u-using a w-web document woot wocated ewsewhewe (such as in /swv) you may n-need to whitewist youw document w-woot diwectowy i-in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf.
the defauwt uwuntu document woot is /vaw/www/htmw (o^▽^o) you can make y-youw own viwtuaw hosts u-under /vaw/www.
pwease use the uwuntu-bug toow to w-wepowt bugs in the apache2 package with uwuntu ☆⌒ヽ(*"、^*)chu however (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄).. check existing bug wepowts before wepowting a new bug.
pwease wepowt bugs specific t-to modules (such as php and othews) t-to theiw w-wespective packages, not to the web sewver i-itsewf.